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Results for "author_first: "Kabir", author_last: "Helminski""
The Essence of the Qur'an Commentaries on passages from Islam's holy book about universal spiritual principles that can guide our hearts.
Presence - Relationship with Divine Love Practices from fourteen centuries of Sufi wisdom universally relevant across spiritual traditions.
Remembrance - The Spiritual Practice of Zhikr A Sufi practice to develop continuous awareness of divine support through the knowing of the heart.
The Wisdom of Muhammad A welcoming study of the compassionate, flexible, and noble character of the Prophet Muhammad.
Rumi - Living a Spiritual Life Commentaries and audio meditations revealing the universal spiritual teaching in Rumi's unforgettable metaphors.
InterSpiritual Wisdom An opportunity to study sacred texts from different traditions under the guidance of six pioneers of InterSpirituality.
Wisdom Stories from the Sufi Tradition Sufi stories that serve as multidimensional symbols for the education of the soul.